A borrowed idea.... It's a N, S, W, E concept. Take a square piece of take board, write the compass letters, make 1 slit on each side (enough to slide yarn into), punch a hole in the middle, take 4 strands of yarn tie a knot and push them through the hole, take the 4 loose ends and slide them into a compass letter.
Making the bracelet: take N strand to S and S strand to N. take W strand to E and E strand to W...repeat with N to S, S to N, W to E, E to W and the bracelet will appear on the other side of the tag board.
What is in your bracelet center?
A borrowed idea.... It's a N, S, W, E concept. Take a square piece of take board, write the compass letters, make 1 slit on each side (enough to slide yarn into), punch a hole in the middle, take 4 strands of yarn tie a knot and push them through the hole, take the 4 loose ends and slide them into a compass letter.
Making the bracelet: take N strand to S and S strand to N. take W strand to E and E strand to W...repeat with N to S, S to N, W to E, E to W and the bracelet will appear on the other side of the tag board.
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